I keep having this reoccurring sketch running around in my head so I thought I better write it down.
Opening scene:
An older fatter Jack Bower and Chloe O’Brien sitting on a couch in front of the T.V. They are eating dinner. Jack is shoveling his food down when a spoonful drops on his gray dirty sweatshirt. “Daaaaammmmitttt!!!!!!!” Jack yells as he dust the food onto the floor.
“Quiet Jack, I can’t here the T.V.” Chloe say’s her lips pursed and her eyebrows furrowed.
“Shut up Chloe” The both stare at the T.V.
Someone knocks on the door.
Jack and Chloe spring to action, Guns close at hand, Jack attempts to do a forward roll to the door. He farts.
Chloe pull out her computer and attempts to gather all the surveillance data she can on the other side of the door.
Jack is sweating, gun ready.
“It’s just the land lord Jack” they put their guns down, open the door just a peep find out what he wants and they go back to sitting at he T.V.
End Scene