Friday, January 15, 2010

Major Changes

Well howdy folks,

After about a year and a half, I am resurrecting my blog. So much has changed since I last wrote. The Hakes and The Johnsons are no longer living together. We now live in Grants Pass and my parents live in a caretakers cabin on a 500 acre ranch. Our horses are in a 200 acre pasture with 25 other horses. My parents have custody over our dog Lucky and Bryan's dog Alley Bella. Bryan now lives with us in a cozy 3 bedroom single wide. The Lord is faithful to take care of all of our needs and he did that beautifully when he moved us out of our house.

Erik became progressivly ill during our move. We thought it was his back and his asthma. One weird symptom was that three of his fingers were cold, numb and turning purple. He didn't want to go see a doctor. Since we don't have insurance we usually send him to the emergency room where they give him a perscription for his back and asthma med. This time they kept him. They said he was septic with a blood infection. After the third day in the hospital Pastor Sleadd and Brad McMurray came in at seperate times to pray for him. The next day he White cell count was down to a healthy level. The doctor's were scratching their heads while they reconcidered the diagnosis. Erik came home the next day and although he was still a very sick puppy he has since made a full recovery. A couple of weeks later at his check up, his doctor said, "you look pretty good for someone who almost died." They said four more days and he would have died. We had no Idea he was that sick. Praise The Lord for his mercies.

I can't believe so much time has past, Jordan is almost 17yrs now. She read a book "Do Hard Things" by Joshua Harris. In it he suggested that young women reach out to famileis in the church and help the mothers with thier childeren. So we reached out to Rebbeca Hewitt. She has four childern, they are all young, the youngest is one. When she first started all of the childeren were afraid to talk to her and Josia screamed when she picked him up. Jordan had never been exposed to little kids before. Now Josia reaches for her to hold him and the kids are excited to see her come to their house. Someday when she has her own home I am hoping it will be a breeze. She is also trading services (housekeeping and child care) with Colleen Sleadd for piano lessons. She is working hard and learning so much. Her passion for Horses have taken a back burnner to her desire to be a good mother and wife someday.

Bryan is living with us now. Just after he moved in with us, his appartment flooded. Most of what he owned would have been ruined. See Bryan God is looking out for you too. It is so wonderful having my family under the same roof. I have missed Bryan so much while he was out in the cold cruel world. Now he eats food on a regular basis and when he comes home it is warm and he is not alone. I am glad you are home Bryan.

About a year and a half ago I said we were going to give up the television. Well we finally did about a week or two ago. Its has been hard, if people are not getting along the house gets really small. I been reading books and enjoying the peace and tranquility.

Tonight we watched the first half of Fiddler on the Roof. It got too late, we had to shut it down. We all love that movie. It was so funny, as we watch the movie these songs would start that we have been singing since before Jordan was born, like Tradition! And If I Were a Rich Man, Jordan would be quietly giggling in here chair as she finally realized where these songs came from.

I cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn tonight. I don't' know whats up with my oven but I could not get the meatloaf to cook all the way through. So the mashed potatoes, gravy and corn are all gone but there is an entire pan of Meatloaf in the fridge. bummer.

Well I think thats plenty to start with, I will try to continue on. I don't know if anyone is out there but who ever you are. Sweet dreams. Holly

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